From the growth of the baby and hormonal fluctuations in the body to the increase in body size, many changes can invite many problems, the most common of which is upper back pain pregnancy. Nine months are very difficult for a woman, she has to face many ups and downs both physically and mentally. She should stay in touch with her doctor, keeping him informed of any changes she notices, good or bad. 

“Physical fitness is the first requisite of happiness.”  

Joseph Pilates

Possible Reasons

As during pregnancy, the body passes through a lot of changes so several factors may be related to upper back pain pregnancy. Some of them are as follows.

  • Hormonal Changes

During pregnancy for the very first, changes occur are hormonal fluctuations. Relaxing a hormone, as the name suggests, soothes or relaxes the entire body and starts increasing in body during pregnancy. This hormone relaxes your pelvic joints and surrounding ligaments to prepare for childbirth. Due to this more pressure is placed on the spine, which leads to increased pain.

  • Changes in Center of Gravity

The center of gravity shifts forward as the body passes through the early pregnancy, leading to muscle shifts and discomfort. In order to accommodate the baby, the body passes through a lot of changes like expanding tummies and breasts. Due to this fact the center of gravity changes. Their efforts to maintain a balance result in strain along the spine leading to upper back pain. 

  •  Incorrect Posture Throughout Pregnancy

Pregnancy has a direct relation with the posture due to weight gain and a growing uterus. This causes their spine to be compressed and spine. Pregnant women can alleviate back pain by adopting appropriate posture while sitting, standing, and lying down. Moreover, good posture can be best maintained with the help of a healthcare provider.

  •      Weight Gain

During pregnancy, women can gain weight to 25%-30% of her body in a short period of time. Due to gain in weight muscles become stressed as well.

  • Breast Growth

As the weight increases breasts also get enlarged, which in return has an impact on the neck, thoracic spine, and the shoulders. In addition to altering posture, it causes pain in the upper back.

  •  Size of the Uterus

During pregnancy, your uterus continues to grow, exerting pressure on the blood vessels and nerve endings present around the spine. During the third trimester, women are more likely to face it while lying down on their back.

When to Contact Your Doctor 

Although, most of the women are more likely to face  upper back pain during pregnancy, there are also situations when the pain becomes severe and unable to bear. This is the time to visit a pain management specialist.

  • Tingling sensation
  • Frequent urination and a burning sensation when peeing
  • loss of feeling in the extremities
  • Leaking fluid and Vaginal bleeding and 

Tips To Avoid Back Pain During Pregnancy

Here are some tips to consider to alleviate back pain during pregnancy.

  • First demand during pregnancy is to get plenty of rest.
  • Carrying heavy objects should be avoided. Your partner or another person who is not carrying a child should do the heavy lifting.
  • Try to bend your knees and back straight while picking or lifting something from the ground.
  • Careful about twisting without moving your foot. By doing so, you will avoid overworking your spine and, as a result, developing back pain.
  • To distribute your weight evenly, wear flat shoes and try to avoid heels
  • Sit straight and support your back with a firm-but-comfortable pillow when sitting for an extended period of time at work.
  • Make sure you have a supportive mattress for your back. But if you have a soft mattress, you can adjust it by placing it above the hardboard.
  • Massage and warm bath are very useful in relieving any type of stress, tension or stiffness in muscles.
  • Attend a back care class during pregnancy to avoid upper back pain
  • Keep in mind that your body is already working double-time to ensure that you and your baby are in good health.

Stretches To Avoid Upper Back Pain During Pregnancy

Here are two types of stretches, which a pregnant woman can do on a daily basis. But it is recommended to start these stretches after informing your doctor who is dealing with your pregnancy.

  • Body Bend

The following exercises strengthen the muscles in the back and buttocks:

  • While standing, make sure your legs are separated by shoulder width. 
    • Lie on your back and place your hands on your upper thighs. Bend your knees slightly as you do so.
    • Bend your hips slowly forward. Maintain a straight posture by pushing your hips back and keeping your shoulders up.Maintain a straight back at all times. There will be a feeling of stretching in your upper thighs. Furthermore, you will feel that your back muscles are holding you in place.
    • Hold to a count of five before straightening. If you are interested in performing these exercises, please consult your healthcare provider first. The frequency of exercise should be discussed with your healthcare provider.
  •  Wall Stretch

Your upper back muscles will be strengthened and loosened as a result of this exercise.

  • A firm pillow or rolled towel should be placed beneath your shoulder blades as you rest them against a wall. Your feet and shoulders should be separated by about 12 inches
  • Make sure your chin is pointing downward.
  • Taking a deep breath. Face the wall with your head, shoulders, and neck pressed against it. There will be a stretch in your shoulders as a result.
  • Continue to hold for five counts. Take a deep breath and have a feeling of relaxation in your neck and shoulders.


Pregnancy is a very critical situation and requires a lot of care. A woman during pregnancy has many chances to face many health issues in which upper back pain is most prominent. Upper back pregnancy can occur due to many factors. During pregnancy, never take risk related to any health issue as it can have an impact on the child as well. Keep Informing your doctor with each type of issue you face during pregnancy. Pain medicine clinic Fort Worth has an excellent record in dealing with such cases and always had a positive outcome. So, never waste time thinking about booking an appointment. Do it early as you feel symptoms related to health issues, and enjoy a quality of life.